Danette Matty

Danette Matty is a trained coach in Vibrant Faith’s International Coaching Federation-certified program. She has earned her ACC Level and is currently working toward the PCC Level. Her coaching experience has been honed through full-time vocational ministry at a thriving church in the Midwest. The churches at which she and her husband have served, while affiliated with the Assemblies of God (cooperative fellowship), have been intentional about a Jesus-centered focus, biblically-based, multigenerational, and multicultural. Danette’s coaching and leadership development specialties revolve around volunteer team members, youth leaders, team leaders, and ministry leaders who want to grow. Danette has earned a Bachelors in Biblical Counseling and a Masters in Leadership. She considers daily time alone with God as “the bread and butter” of her relationship with God. There’s something about nature that resets the heart and mind. Hiking in the forest seems to make his voice just a little clearer.

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