
Denise Utter

For more than 30 years, Denise Utter has embraced her vocation in the fields of education and ministry, these last six years focusing her energy and passion on coaching individuals, teams, cohorts, congregations, and non-profit organizations; primarily in the areas of leadership in ministry, team transitions, life transitions, change management, and ministry with families. She loves working with church leaders and their teams reimagining faith formation, navigating team transitions, life transitions, change management, and ministry with families. She is a trained coach in Vibrant Faith’s International Coaching Federation-certified program, is currently preparing for the ICF’s ACC Level test, and has aspirations of reaching the PCC Level in the near future. In addition to her coaching credentials, Denise holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies and a Bachelor of Science in Education. Her commitment to ministry is evident through her roles on nonprofit organization boards and on advisory councils for religious orders. Denise listens for God’s nudges in the quiet, through journaling, reading the works of other seekers, in nature, on long walks, and in travel.

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