A live training by Rick Lawrence.
Thursday, August 17, 2023 1-4 PM CST
— $79.99 —
Is it possible that our well-meaning ministry strategies have subtly erased “the real Jesus” from our menu? The evidence of research, and our own experience, says yes. And, even more eye-opening, the embedded “formula” that almost every church uses to encourage spiritual growth is fatally flawed.
- What are your conventional ministry practices subtly communicating to people?
- How are your well-intended strategies forming their view of God and themselves?
Explore what a ministry looks like when your everyday practices, strategies, and activities all orbit around Jesus.
Jesus wants your people to discover, early on, who he really is, and who they really are. So much in their life is telling them a lie about His identity and their own identity. But we can help them discover their true name—and find their true identity in Jesus. When that happens, everything changes.
If we can “do nothing apart from Jesus,” then we can do anything when we stay deeply attached to Him. Here’s how to lay the foundation for a ministry that magnetically draws others into an “abiding” relationship with Jesus.
6 Crucial Takeaways From the Training
- No one in our culture needs the ability to “thrive through difficult times” more than ministry leaders. Learn how the “Stockdale Paradox” can unlock your resilience in the face of a constantly changing ministry landscape.
- The body of Christ in Western culture is facing an emergency—the church is in decline, and its role in the culture has been marginalized. The church in Britain is 20 years ahead of us on this path, and we can find clues to our path going forward by paying attention to what’s happened across the Atlantic.
- Learn why our efforts, so far, to “fix” our approach to ministry have not worked, and how we can re-embrace the way Jesus turned interested bystanders into passionate followers.
- Replace “transactional” approaches to ministry with “transformational” strategies. The “understand-and-apply” mentality in ministry has a poor track record, and a weak connection to the way Jesus taught. Learn practices that will help people deepen their attachment to Jesus, not give them more “shoulds” in their life.
- Get hands-on experience in learning and leading “Beeline Practices” in your ministry—new ways of engaging people that are guaranteed to deepen their experience of Jesus, bringing Him into the center of their lives instead of the periphery. The “Beelined” approach will revolutionize the way you do Bible study, mission, small groups, and adult-leader training.
- Practice an innovative and powerful way to help people discover their “true identity”—the person Jesus created them to be, not the person the “shattered mirrors” around them say they are.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 1
Creating a Ministry Environment That Focuses on “Attachment”
- The two fallacies that fuel the “understand and apply” approach
- The true definition of discipleship, and how it actually happens
- Focusing all of ministry on two central questions:
1) Who do I say that Jesus is? (Luke 9:20) and
2) Who does Jesus say that I am?” (Matthew 16:18) - The “secret sauce” of impactful ministry modeled by Charles H. Spurgeon
Session 2
Creating a Ministry Environment That Focuses on “Attachment”
- The two fallacies that fuel the “understand and apply” approach
- The true definition of discipleship, and how it actually happens
- Focusing all of ministry on two central questions: 1) Who do I say that Jesus is? (Luke 9:20) and 2) Who does Jesus say that I am?” (Matthew 16:18)
- The “secret sauce” of impactful ministry modeled by Charles H. Spurgeon
Session 3
The Beeline Practices
- Watching Our Language
- Rejecting the “Shoulding” Culture
- Emphasizing a “Taste & See” Culture
- Beelining the Bible
- Standing In Mud Puddles
- Creating Dependent Experiences
- The Jesus Did/Jesus Didn’t Mentality
- The 3-Question Strategy
- The Jesus Push-Back
- Creating Problems to Be Solved
Session 4
Helping Others Discover Their True Name
- The power of positive labeling
- Relating to others through the Sherlock Holmes filter
- Using the Sherlock Holmes File approach to releasing people from their captivity
- Finding your own true name
Jesus-Centered Ministry Training
A Training Led by Rick Lawrence
Thursday, August 17th, 1-4 PM CST
Could our well-meaning ministry strategies have subtly erased “the real Jesus” from our menu? The evidence of research, and our own experience, says yes. And, even more eye-opening, the embedded “formula” that almost every church uses to encourage spiritual growth is fatally flawed.
- What are your conventional ministry practices subtly communicating to people?
- How are your well-intended strategies forming their view of God and themselves?