By Fred Oduyoye and Rick Lawrence
Because we’re broken human beings who are not yet whole, though we see evidence of our healing the longer we journey with Jesus, we feel compelled to fix whatever we see is broken in others. Our own brokenness, like Paul’s thorn in the side, is often intolerable to us—and so the brokenness of others is also intolerable, and we must offer our own version of repair. But in all relationships, and especially relationships that are marked by the distance of division or disillusionment, we work against reconciliation and not for it when we attempt to repair before we’ve paused to reflect. It’s like a mechanic who decides to use his wrench on your engine before he’s asked you to describe the problem you’re experiencing.
In this Reachable Reconciliation conversation, Fred and I talk about this repair-before-reflect dynamic—Fred describes what reflection looks like, and how to take everyday baby steps into it.
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Reachable Reconciliation TalkSheets
Lead adults & youth into tough conversations about race & equity, politics, marginalized people groups, cultural tensions, & more. All through a biblical lens. From Fred Oduyoye, TalkSheets invites Christlike growth.
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