The Art of Standing In Others’ Shoes


By Fred Oduyoye and Rick Lawrence

We move through life most-often assuming that everyone we meet is experiencing the world through a similar lens. The way we see things is the way they see things. And we’re surprised/frustrated/offended/shocked when we discover they don’t. So we quickly move to judgment before we’ve really understood, even a little, what life looks like from the “other’s” point of view. What can help us get past our undiagnosed blindness as we relate to others in difficult, divisive,  or challenging encounters?

In this Reachable Reconciliation conversation, Fred and I explore the spiritual practice of standing in another’s shoes, and how we can seed all our relational environments invitation instead of exclusion.


Practice Seeing Other Perspectives


Reachable Reconciliation TalkSheets 

Lead adults & youth into tough conversations about race & equity, politics, marginalized people groups, cultural tensions, & more. All through a biblical lens. From Fred Oduyoye, TalkSheets invites Christlike growth. 
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