Bold Post-Election Reconciling


By Fred Oduyoye and Rick Lawrence

Welcome to our post-election reality—the immersive division and polarization of our culture, our cities, and our neighborhoods continues. Already-strained relationships now have new news to swallow and wallow in. And all of us face new challenges as we follow Jesus into “love your neighbors as yourself.”

In this Reachable Reconciliation conversation, Fred tells a story about his own relational reconciling challenges, and offers three priorities for living in the way of Jesus post-election.

Learn the Tools of Repair for All Your Relationships…



Reachable Reconciliation TalkSheets 

Lead adults & youth into tough conversations about race & equity, politics, marginalized people groups, cultural tensions, & more. All through a biblical lens. From Fred Oduyoye, TalkSheets invites Christlike growth. 
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We’d Love Your Feedback!

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And check out Fred’s new website for more ways to connect, grow, and get the expert help you need to develop a magnetic reconciling ministry environment…

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