Now Is Not the Time to Repair Your Relationships

By Fred Oduyoye and Rick Lawrence

It makes sense that there is no bad time to bring reconciliation where there is wounding or division, right? Well, not so fast… Reachable Reconciliation Founder Fred Oduyoye says holiday gatherings of friends and relatives are actually the wrong time to try and bring repair our relationships. Watch our conversation below to learn why, and what Fred suggests needs to be our focus instead…


Fred Oduyoye lives in Cincinnati Ohio and is the Founder of Reachable Reconciliation, Inc, an organization and national movement designed to help people integrate into unfamiliar spaces of conversation and relationship. He has been working with and coaching leaders since 2007. He was a National Urban Training Director at Urban Youth Workers Institute for 9 years. Fred has also worked as the National Director of Partnerships/Networking for Youth Specialities for 4 years and is an Advisory Committee Member of the National Network of Youth Ministries. A hobby that Fred enjoys is training and coaching soccer players.

Journey with Fred in a Reachable Reconciliation Cohort!

The Cohort Includes:
– 5 live online training sessions (90 minutes) each month with your facilitator Fred Oduyoye
– Additional materials, assignments, and resources sent to your cohort between sessions
– A private online community to share in discussion, ideas, and connection

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