A Cold Splash of Water for Your Personal Worship Time

We need new and creative ways to practice our personal worship during Lent—a bracing splash of water on the face of our familiar Lenten practices. Lent is a season of spiritual growth, reflection, and turning away from the distractions we face to sit with our souls. As the days of winter slowly transition to spring, Lent opens the door for deeper connection with Jesus—time to take a deep breath of the Spirit and pause long enough to hear, to listen, to love.

Here I offer six new ideas for personal worship, to help keep your faith life fresh and new…

  1. Make a Lenten playlist. Create a special playlist of songs that touch on themes such as repentance, redemption, grace, and mercy. Find a mix of genres to awaken your heart, to give you time to pause, and to discover the power of music to speak into your life. Listen to it when you need a reminder of the love God has for you.
  2. Read Scripture out loud. Choose a new passage each day to read aloud in your home, then meditate on its meaning. I love to find a section of Scripture to use as a kind of mantra all day. One of my favorites from Colossians 3:12: “Dear chosen one, holy and beloved.” I’ll spend the day reflecting on this short phrase and allowing the sound of the words to sooth my soul.
  3. Spend time in nature. Take a day trip alone or with family and friends to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with God in the beauty of nature. This will allow you time to witness the transition of new life as the earth comes alive.
  4. Try new prayers. Experiment with new and creative prayers you can say aloud or silently. One of the books I use that is helpful is A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal by Sarah Bessey. I also practice open-eye prayers while walking around my house or outside. You can look at pictures on your phone or take out old photo albums and breathe a prayer of thanksgiving for people who have blessed your life.
  5. Take up a new devotional practice. There are many new ones out there, such as lectio divina, lectio visio, and audio lectio. These are divine reading, divine seeing, and divine hearing. There may be other devotional practices that you have wanted to try, and this is wonderful opportunity to try something that will help you deepen your relationship with Jesus.
  6. Host a small service at home. Invite friends and family for an evening of worship, prayer, and reflection. This may be my favorite suggestion! I love the idea of having friends over to share a meal together and then join in a time of worship together. What a beautiful way to culminate the season of Lent with others friends.

These new ideas for personal worship during Lent are just the beginning. With a little creativity, you can find new ways to connect with God that work for you and your faith journey. So, get out there and start exploring! Who knows what new spiritual insights await you? If you find yourself stuck and just can’t seem to move to a new place in your spiritual life, please consider reaching out to one of our coaches at Vibrant Faith. We would love to journey alongside you to a new place of discovery in your walk with God.

Rev. Dr. Mark Slaughter serves as the Minister of Worship Arts at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, MN. In addition to his 35+ years of ministry, he received a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity and Church Music from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Music from Belmont University.


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