Reachable Reconciliation: The Art of Owning Your Stuff

By Fred Oduyoye and Rick Lawrence

So many conflicts and relational divisions start, or blow up, when neither side can seem to own responsibility for their words or actions. Why is it so hard for us admit our role in a conflict, then apologize for it? Well, it isn’t easy to get past our emotions when we feel accused or wrongly characterized. We feel compelled to defend our rights and feel pressured to accept a truth about ourselves that, we know, isn’t the whole truth. 

In this conversation, Fred Oduyoye and I explore a reachable way to navigate difficult conversations and relationships—a path that helps us to recognize, own, and admit our own role in the conflict.

Learn the skills of reconciling relationships when you journey with Fred as your coach in a Reachable Reconciliation Cohort! Fred Oduyoye will use his expertise to help you engage in the hard work of relational reconciliation.

The Cohort Includes:

– 5 live online training sessions (90 minutes) each month with your facilitator Fred Oduyoye
– Additional materials, assignments, and resources sent to your cohort between sessions
– A private online community to share in discussion, ideas, and connection

Get the full details and fill out the interest form here!

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