By Fred Oduyoye and Rick Lawrence
Some people are simply hard to “unlock.” Their body language, tone of voice, facial expression, and relational “posture” all converges into one simple message: Leave me alone. And, mostly, we oblige by leaving them alone. What we miss is an opportunity to connect across the wounding or trauma that has caused a person to lock up.
In this Reachable Reconciliation conversation, Fred tells a profound story about “unlocking” a person who was shut down… And he and I explore a simple skill that works wonders with people who are hard to pursue, or resist the healing power of reconciliation…
Help Your People to Practice Bridging Relational Gaps
Reachable Reconciliation TalkSheets
Lead adults & youth into tough conversations about race & equity, politics, marginalized people groups, cultural tensions, & more. All through a biblical lens. From Fred Oduyoye, TalkSheets invites Christlike growth.
Download Lesson 1 Now!
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And check out Fred’s new website for more ways to connect, grow, and get the expert help you need to develop a magnetic reconciling ministry environment…
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