We’re people created in the image of a triune God, and that means we’re fundamentally relational. That also means we’re in constant need of repair in our relationships—we hurt others, and they hurt us. So, how do we navigate when repair is needed in a relationship?
In this Reachable Reconciliation conversation, Fred offers a very personal story that frames both the challenges and the opportunities threaded through our efforts to repair relationships…
Learn the Tools of Repair for All Your Relationships…
Reachable Reconciliation TalkSheets
Lead adults & youth into tough conversations about race & equity, politics, marginalized people groups, cultural tensions, & more. All through a biblical lens. From Fred Oduyoye, TalkSheets invites Christlike growth.
Download Lesson 1 Now!
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And check out Fred’s new website for more ways to connect, grow, and get the expert help you need to develop a magnetic reconciling ministry environment…
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