
Leading Well: Agile Leadership

September 24th, 2024
9AM-12PM CST on Zoom

Our Agile Leadership training provides leaders with a foundation for leading in times of disruption and constant change. It addresses the mindset and skills leaders need to navigate a new way forward. This training equips church leaders to be curious, collaborative, and self-aware.

September 24th, 2024 | 
9AM-12PM CST on Zoom


Agile Leadership is a key skill to build as the church moves through a time of disruption and change. Our half day training for church leaders will help you grow in curiosity, collaboration, and self- awareness. As you begin to internalize and practice new skills and learnings, you’ll begin to impact your ministry context for years to come. We hope to see you in Agile Leadership. Leading Well is a community of Christ-centered and curious ministry leaders. We offer leadership training, coaching, and coaching training to help the church thrive in a new ministry landscape. Through our programs you’ll benefit from Sabbath rest, collegial support, and practical training that helps you thrive personally and professionally as a clergy member. You can learn more about the Leading Well community, including the Leading Well Retreat here.

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