Roles of a Ministry Leader

I have a closet full of ball caps. I don’t know why, but I’ve just collected them over the years and I can’t seem to bring myself to throw any away. There are a lot of memories in these hats. But today, I put on a hat to cover my wind-blown hair and I started thinking about the hats I wear and the roles I play as a ministry leader.

As I write this, I am participating in the Leading Well Retreat with 60 or so ministry leaders who are becoming better equipped to lead their congregations. Together, we looking at how to grow as leaders. It is inspiring to see leaders who have a hunger to learn and grow. How about you?

What kind of leader are you? Great ministry leaders adapt their leadership style to the situation at hand, alternating between styles.

4 Roles of an Adaptive Ministry Leader:

  1. Commander: When the situation demands fast action or when others don’t know what to do or respond lethargically in an urgent situation, a take-charge style is often most appropriate.
  2. Catalyst: When people are fairly motivated and somewhat informed, then a less domineering but still very active leadership style is appropriate. The catalyst ensures that team members are motivated and working together.
  3. Coach: A coach works from the sidelines to provide instruction and motivation, confronting team members when they aren’t performing well. This approach works well when team members are doing a good job.
  4. Consultant: Motivated, competent people respond well to this relaxed approach to leading. The consultant is more of a leader among peers who offers wisdom, helps to create focus, and serves as a team builder.

Don’t limit yourself!

You don’t need to just be one kind of leader. In fact, healthy, effective leaders use many leadership styles. With practice, all of these hats can be worn with style (ok that was corny). But seriously, being an adaptive leader means being teachable and willing to change (adapt).

Don’t underestimate your ability to change and grow in your leadership position. After all, transformation is a key part of our faith. Allow God to work on you as a lead. Seek out opportunities to improve your role as a ministry leader. You will be surprised at how much more you will enjoy your ministry and your leadership.

At Vibrant Faith we are committed to walking alongside leaders to help them lead great ministry. If you are a leader for Faith Formation, you may want to consider taking a look at our Coaching School. The Leading Well Retreat is a place for pastoral self-care, but also helps you grow in your leadership, skills, and knowledge.


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