Summer moves at a different pace in our church communities. Some ministries are on hiatus and others are in maintenance mode. And while we may not intend to do so, this may include our hospitality ministries.
As we look ahead to the fall, now is the time to consider what hospitality looks like for those who will be returning to our community. Some have taken a short break for summer vacation or a year away at school. Others may have wandered from their faith or left the church and community for an extended period of time, and are now experiencing a renewed interest in their relationship with God.
I’ve had four separate encounters with people who are returning to our community in the past month. One woman had been away from the faith for many years; she and her sister recently decided to explore their faith again. She approached me wondering about what to do during a special prayer service. A pair of college students entered our church wanting to take pictures during the service for a research project they were doing. A second pair of college students talked with us about how one would go about joining our church after they came to worship with us as part of a religious studies course. Finally, a gentleman asked how he could receive tithing envelopes as he was coming back to the church after years away.
Each of these situations called for a different response and sense of welcome back hospitality. Our weekly routine of hospitality needs to adapt to meet the needs of those who are returning to our community, regardless of the reason for their absence. What does it mean to be welcomed back into a community of faith?
Here are a few ideas for you to raise with your team as you plan to welcome people back at the end of summer and throughout the year:
- Plan an end-of-summer welcome-back event for all parishioners to celebrate the new academic year. This could take the form of a picnic, fall fundraiser, church supper, or Sunday school kick-off. Make sure to include activities for all ages and stages of life.
- If your church is near a college or university, host an open house for students. During the event, let them know that they have a place to come and encounter Christ with your community. Invite your pastor to be present and welcome all who attend. Include a meal (or snacks) and have members of your community present to talk with students and get to know them. Offer ways to connect and grow.
- Develop a ministry of sponsors within your community. These individuals would be paired with those returning (or new) to the church to help them in their faith journey. Sponsors would serve as the connection between the community and the individual, as well as an initial point of contact.
- Have a hospitality minister or staff member available at all your services to talk with those who have questions about your community and faith. Offer training and formation so that these ministers are equipped with the resources and knowledge they need to help people feel welcome.
- Prepare a list of ministries and services that the church offers for the community. Include opportunities for faith growth, service, community development/engagement, and worship. Be prepared to share this list with people who may inquire during Sunday services.
These simple ideas for welcome-back hospitality are important as we work to ensure our communities are inviting to those who are finding their way back to the community, or to a relationship with Jesus. Regardless of what your community may or may not be able to implement, we’re fueled by a calling to love others as Christ has loved us. A smile, a nod of welcome, a kind word—all these go a long way to helping a stranger, a near-stranger, or one who has been away for a while feel welcomed and accepted in our community.
If you would like help as you explore what it means to create a more welcoming environment in your church, reach out to connect with a Vibrant Faith Ministry Leadership Coach. Just CLICK HERE for more information. Coaching is an intentional process that moves you forward into the future you long for.

Rosina Hendrickson is a member of Vibrant Faith’s Coaching Team. She’s the Training and Events Coordinator for Liturgy Training Publications and the Coordinator of Family Faith Formation at St. Thomas the Apostle, both in Chicago, Illinois. She also facilitates STEP courses through the University of Notre Dame, a platform for online adult formation.