
Experience How It Works

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See the Story. Hear the Story. Live the Story.

Our Vibrant Faith team has spent years developing Visual Faith as a go-to curriculum and small group resource for engaging people in surprisingly deep conversations about faith and life. We know from vast experience—nothing opens people to exploration and transformation more powerfully than a visual catalyst for spiritual conversation.

It’s that simple.

We’ve created 52 surprising ways for you to spark faith-forming adventures—our collection is flexible enough to be used as a full-scale Bible study curriculum or as a go-to small-group ministry resource or as the “meaty center” in a large-group teaching setting. You’ll find each experience easy to lead and rich in conversational fruit—that’s because this approach is grounded in decades of research and the life-changing teaching of Jesus.

Jesus said: “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light” (Luke 11:34, NLT). What our eyes see—what we take into ourselves visually—can “fill us with light.” That’s true literally and metaphorically.

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