
Creating Unforgettable Family Summer Memories

Summer is the sound of crackling campfire, the smell of a fresh-cut lawn, the taste of fresh watermelon, and the feel of a frisbee caught in a park—all under a sunny blue sky. It’s the perfect time for families to go all-in on engaging each other, and the perfect time to explore new ways to deepen their relationship with Jesus. Here’s menu of fresh ideas to help your families be more fully present to God and one another while creating unforgettable memories together: 

Ongoing Opportunities

  • Meal Prep: Rotate meal responsibilities, trying both old favorites and new recipes. As you eat, praise the cook while appreciating the imago dei of our creativity, and the sensory beauty of our fearfully-and-wonderfully-made experience as beloved sons and daughters of God.
  • Unplugged Hour: Every generation has to deal with the pro’s and con’s of technology. For the summer, set aside an hour to be device-free and enjoy each other’s company.
  • Tech Ten: Technology can also be a fun tool through mobile games like Heads Up, Words With Friends or Mad Libs. You can also do a Bible-app study together, or take photos on a walk together that everyone shares to the same online album.
  • Exercise Together: Encourage everyone to be active—for example, visit your community center together or go on a family bike ride where the youngest person picks the path. You could also embrace a “30-Day Fitness Challenge” where everyone tracks their daily activity.
  • Family Prayer: Together, spend five minutes toward the end of the day thanking God for blessings and sharing prayer requests. Rotate who leads the prayer, making it a special summer check-in with God and each other.

Spontaneous One-Offs

  • Park & Play: Go to a park that has a grill to roast hot dogs or make s’mores. Play a huge game of tag on the playground or toss a frisbee, where every time there’s an exchange each person shares a quick thing they appreciate about the other.
  • Family Potluck: Give everyone 20 minutes to add something to a family meal. Discuss 1 Corinthians 12 to reflect on how everyone can contribute to God’s family.
  • Scavenger Hunt: Give everyone a piece of paper with each letter of the alphabet on it. Go into your neighborhood or on a hike to find something for each letter and to appreciate God’s creation.
  • Thank-You Cards: Take 15 minutes to brainstorm who you could be grateful for and send thank-you cards to, such as first responders, church volunteers or extended family.

Older Options

  • Movie Night: Have older kids set up a projector and invite the neighborhood over for a family-friendly movie. Make it all-hands-on-deck effort with blankets and popcorn.
  • Community Projects: Clean up a local park, or serve somewhere preparing food for those in need, all to connect with God’s mission and strengthen family bonds.
  • Organize a Fundraiser: Create fun ways to raise money for church or community needs, fostering responsibility and empathy.

Adult Moments

  • Date Night Co-Op: Organize a babysitting co-op among church families, giving couples a chance to enjoy a night out and kids a chance to connect.
  • Slow Errands: Who says shopping can’t take longer? Have the kids handle things at home while the parents can playfully linger in the store together and get some ice cream while they’re out.
  • Parents’ Night In: As a church, host an evening where parents can drop off their kids for supervised fun while they enjoy a quiet night at home.
  • Read a Book: Create a summer book club by reading the same book together as a couple or with older kids.

Summer is a time of freedom and joy, perfect for deepening our relational connections. Celebrate by noticing God in everything, from day trips out to everyday moments in. When we are “familying the faith” in our ministry, encouraging and equipping parents (and people like parents) to maximize their faith-forming influence in their kids’ lives, we’re help them “norm” their family identity as people of faith. To explore what that looks like, check out Vibrant Faith’s new podcast Familying the Faith. Make this summer one filled with fun, family, and faith!

And if you would like help as you explore what it means to shift your ministry to a home-centered, church-supported strategy, reach out to connect with a Vibrant Faith Ministry Leadership Coach. Just CLICK HERE for more information. Coaching is an intentional process that moves you forward into the future you long for.  

Tony Myles is a multi-faceted ministry veteran, conference speaker
, and author with a passion for all people and the future of the church. He has a Master’s Degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. And he’s
been trained as a Coach through Vibrant Faith’s ICFcertified program.





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